Quran o Sunnat

Dealing With The Guilt Of Sin

Dealing With The Guilt Of Sin


We all commit sins at some point in our lives. Whether bit be small or big, it happens. None of us is perfect. And feeling guilty for that is natural and ia actually a blessing, because some hearts have been hardened so much that they no longer feel guilty at all for their crimes. So firstly, we should be thankful to Allah Almighty that at least He let us be that human, because that’s miserable. But don’t be like the people who commit sin, feel bad and they say to themselves ” How can I remember Allah now? “, ” I am such a scum, what dirty tongue of mine can say Allah’s name? “, well that’s Shaitaan. He put that in your mind. So you wouldn’t repent.


You know who are the people of Ihsaan? The ones who do something wrong and don’t procrastinate Taubah. They don’t dely their Istighfaar. But this doesn’t mean that now you’ve the license to commit sin, you know some people try to take advantage of almost everything. They’re like, now first I’ll do a bad thing, and then make Taubah, and I’ll be amongst the people of Ihsaan. No, you can’t do that. You’ll do sin, it’ll happen but it doesn’t have to be on purpose. That’s not how it works. Remind yourself the definition of Taubah, the sin shouldn’t be a deliberate act, first of all.


First try to understand the consequences if you commit sin on purpose. One of the names of Allah is Al-Kahaar – the undeniable. We cannot hide anything from Him.

Nothing is hidden from Him (ALLAH) – AL Qur’an.

He knows what’s in your heart, He knows all of plannings going on inside of your head, even if you don’t know your intentions, He knows. He created us. He knows us how He molded us and how He fashioned us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. So basically you can fool yourself but not Allah.


As a believer, if we make Allah angry, then we have no where to go to. When we commit a sin, we have made Allah angry. But where are we going to go? We cannot hide ourselves from Allah. So we better shouldn’t delay our Repentance. Let’s look at the other side of the coin. When we do something shameful, obviously it’s embarrassing, we don’t want people to know about it, we don’t want to face the consequences. But you better know Allah was watching you all the time. He is witness to your shameful act. He was there the entire time watching you do that sin. Just imagine. And if there’s any trace of decency left in you, you’ll feel so humiliated that at least for now you won’t be thinking about committing at least that sin ever again.


For a believer, the time he was sinning, he forgot that Allah is watching him, he lost his state of being a believer, his Eeman wasn’t there. For instance, the guy who commits adultery has forgotten that he’s a Muslim. He is not in the folds of Islam when he’s committing zina. He lets his animal self take over his senses. But when his Muslim self comes back, he repents. When you have a slip up, and forget Allah for that long, and suddenly realize your mistake and make Taubah, then Allah is proud of you. If you can do that after a sin, then CONGRATULATIONS, you’re amongst the people of Ihsaan.


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